Owners' Guide

The information below will help owners become more knowledgeable and successful! Veekle’s platform allows you to rent privately without worrying about risk or liability. 

Veekle | Earn Income Renting Your Car

 Listing a Car

  • First, check to see if your car is eligible for listing on Veekle’s platform here. We accept gas, diesel, hybrid, and electric-powered cars that seat twelve or fewer people and, in some regions, pick-up trucks. 
  • Before listing your car, you need to get it inspected by an approved valuator. 
  • Write a great description, follow our guidelines for listing photos, set a fair price, decide on a mileage allowance, set your availability, decide whether you will offer delivery, and choose what extras, if any, you will offer.
  • One way to attract more travelers is to offer weekly and monthly discounts/promotions. You may also want to consider setting custom prices for specific days. 
  • Owners can make their cars available for pick-up and drop-off at popular places listed on the platform. Set up to 5 delivery locations when you create your car listing. Or add delivery at any time in the “Location & delivery” option.
  • Owners can also set the shortest and longest trip lengths they would consider and whether you are interested in booking their car for long-term trips.
  • If you would like travelers to be able to book your car without you having to confirm their trip request, you can opt into “Book Instantly.” 
  • Insurance is mandatory for owners; depending on their primary coverage, owners can choose from 3rd party or comprehensive.

  Managing Trip Bookings

  • Unless you have opted in to “Book Instantly, you’ll have to accept or decline travelers requesting to book your car Owners must approve or deny travelers’ requests to extend a trip. You will have six hours to respond; however, depending on how far in advance a traveler submits their request, you may have less time.
  • You must meet travelers in person to hand off your keys, verify the traveler’s license, and document your car’s condition. You must take pre- and post-trip photos for every trip, or you might not have insurance coverage in case of a dispute or damage claim.
  • If you want someone to help manage your reservations, you can designate a custodian to act on your behalf. They must have their own verified Veekle account. You can assign a custodian during the listing process.
  • We strongly discourage owners from canceling a traveler's trip unless it is essential. If you must cancel a trip, do so using the Veekle app or website as soon as possible and immediately notify the traveler. Owners who cancel with short notice may receive a warning.

 Maintaining your Car

Veekle has specific maintenance requirements that cars must meet to be listed and stay listed on our platform. If we learn of a car's quality, safety, or maintenance issue, we may temporarily restrict your listing and ask you to get a mechanic’s report. 

Veekle requires owners to keep their car legally registered and be honest about its condition, features, and protection plans. Failure to do so is considered car misrepresentation and may result in a fine or removal.

Veekle expects and requires all owners to comply with the laws and regulations for safety, condition, and operation.

 After the Trip

24-48 hours after a trip commences, we will automatically initiate payment to our owners. Please ensure that you have completed the pay-out section in your profile.

If a traveler fails to refuel your car, drives more than the allotted trip miles/kilometers, receives a ticket or a toll charge, or leaves your car slightly dirty, send a dispute via the platform. 

Check the car for damage and take pictures to document the car’s condition post-trip. If you discover damage, you have up to 48 hours after the trip ends to report it to us at Veekle. 


Additional details are in various sections of the Care Zone

If you still need clarity on any topic, please email hello@veekle.com or submit a ticket. Always revisit our Terms of Service and Policies before you list or rent out your car.

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